Product: Extra virgin olive oil
Variety: Arbequina 100%
Zone: El Segriá
Suppliers: 2 farmers
Date of extraction: del September 28th to Octuber 2th Octubre
Extraction method: cool press
Producction: 5.000 l.
Presentations: 500 ml x 6 units

With the intention of obtaining an oil of the highest quality, we have anticipated the harvesting period at the end of September. For a week we have been collecting the olives in two farms during the day, bringing the olives to the mill at the end of the day, and finally doing the cold extraction on the same day of harvesting.
The fat yield of the olives during this period has been between 9 - 10%, therefore, to obtain a liter of oil, more than 12 kg of olives have been necessary.