estornell extra virgin olive oil

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Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Estornell extra verge extra virgen

Analytical Report Harvest 2006/2007

L'ESTORNELL, Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Analytical Report Harvest 2006


Grade of acidity 0,19 % (% Oleic Acid)
Peroxide index 8,2 m.e.q. de o/kg.
Absorption in the UV K270 n.m. 0,086
Absorption in the UV K232 n.m. 1,954 ; AK=-0,001


Derivatives Halogenates:

Trichloroethylene: 0,001ppm.
Bromodichloromethane: 0,004ppm.
Dibromochloromethane: 0,002ppm.
Perchloroethylene: 0,001ppm.
Totals(p.p.m.) Inferior to: 0,010ppm.

• Waxes = 148, - ppm.
• Organoléptica Taste = excellent Scent and flavor as Extra Virgin Olive oil .

Luis Jané Busquets, Laboratorio d' Análisis S.L.
C/St. Llorenç, 27 baixos -08192 St. Quirze del Vallés
Tel 93 721 13 25

Laboratory recognized by Agriculture Departament of the Generalitat de Catalunya in the registry of independent private laboratories in analysis of human feeding and animal.

TEL +34 973 12 60 00 | FAX +34 973 16 62 25 | | Sarroca de Lleida | Spain | © 1996-2023 VEÁ S.A.

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