estornell extra virgin olive oil

English | Spanish | French | German | Catalan

The Best Spanish Olive Oils for Dipping and Drizzling

VIBRANT AND SPICY. L'Estornell Organic is made entirely from Arbequina olives, the small, brown, glossy variety that are the pride of Catalonia. An organically produced oil, it is medium-weight, with a nutty aroma and a mildly peppery bite, superb drizzled over grilled vegetables or fish. Available for $25.99 for 750 milliliters at Sutton Place Gourmet (3201 New Mexico Ave. NW, 202-363-5800) and Dean & Deluca (3276 M St. NW, 800-925-7854, Another good Arbequina oil is Pons, which costs $24 for 475 milliliters at -- a great resource for imported Spanish gourmet goods.

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